June 16, 2013


Last week I had the opportunity to donate some materials and framing to the Alzheimer's foundation for an Auction that is being held this weekend.  I really enjoyed designing and framing these little pieces, and reading the notes that were written on the back of each piece.

It reminded me of walking in to pick up my mother at day care, and seeing all the works of art created by all the students.   Mom often brought home little projects she had worked on throughout her day.  They all had a child like element to them, much like all of these.  (But at the same time, absolutely wonderful pieces of art).

 "Rich Bouquet"

 "On the Beach"


"That's an Irish Lullaby"

Well first of all I love them all.

And my favorites have more to do with my own mother, than being partial to the art,  framing or just liking the comments.

My mother did two things that really stand out in my mind when she became ill with this disease.

She loved to sing and she lost her words.

I would often go and pick her up and they would tell me she sang for everyone that day.  
So it won't take long for you to figure out that I like this last one:  "That's an Irish Lullaby"

I also like "Rich Bouquet"  because the artist had nothing to say.  

We lost mom in July of 2011

I think of her often and miss her very much.

This disease stole her from us, long before she passed.
It stole her self dignity, her confidence, her personality, and her life.
But even in all of that I have very fond memories of her, both before she became ill, and during the process, as she became more child like.  These pieces of art reflect the beauty that is inside these people.
God bless them all, their caretakers and their families.

1 comment:

  1. This is Beautiful, Judy!!! Brought tears to my eyes!
